Monday, 29 July 2013

punky allsorts

Punky Allsorts are a brand I squealed across when I found a teeny tiny advert from them in LOOK magazine. They're a handmade jewellery boutique with exquisite pieces that I've never seen around before. Think being in an american department store, with every pic'n'mix choice of sweets, treats and toys you loved as a kid. Punky Allsorts turn those childhood novelties into everyday accessories. So I went and spent a hefty £20 on just two rings.. but the money was so worth it. Especially as I'm so in to having individual statement pieces. Honestly, it gets extremely wearing not to mention uncreative when you look identical to every other girl on the street.  After clicking through every page on her (the Punky lady who runs the boutique) site, I finally came to buy the 'Slice of Strawberry Cake' ring and the 'Pound Coin' ring. Love!

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