Monday, 16 December 2013

iPhonegraphy infatuation

I probably don't go a day without taking a photo on my phone. Actually to be honest I probably don't go an hour..
 Whether it be for humour aspects (ugly mug shots of my double chinned friends), selfies (vain..), quirky interesting things I see on my day to day travels or if I'm taking a photo for genuine photographic purposes. This evening my Mum genuinely gave me a lecture about how I'm on my phone too much, texting 24/7 or scrolling through Twitter and Insta feeds. It's true, perhaps I am on my phone a wee bit much but digital media is too ADDICTIVE! It's about to get a whole lot worse when I get my iPad mini.. oops. One of the main reasons I want to get an iPad is so that I can blog a lot more, so in the near future expect a whole host-of-posts!

Being the internet fanatic that I am, I follow a lot of iPhoneographers on social media and a Facebook post by Ade Santora lead me to this video of a Flickr group showreel. These were all shot using mobile phones - who needs studios, flash guns and hefty DSLRs? Love these black and white shots!

Sorry you'll have to click the link, I can't seem to find an embedded code to use!


  1. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)
