Sunday, 29 December 2013

Instagram in the '50s

So with my new iPad mini for Christmas, I have vowed myself to blog a lot more often! Watch this space and you can hold me to that. Gulp, no pressure. I'm beyond in love with my iPad, and so to start off I want to show you a few past time pictures. Obviously I really don't want to be boring you with old family snaps.. but these pictures are from film slides my Auntie got developed as a Christmas present for my Nan and Grandad. And what I love most is the quality and mood of these beautiful prints. 
They almost look like Instagram snaps, how stunning does my Nan look?! 

Olive and my Nan poolside in Singapore



Model like! Love the vintage feel of these photos

The sort of photo you'd see on a comical birthday card right

Those cars. Love

Dancing queen

Sisterly love. My mum sharing a kiss with her sister, so adorable!

This ones my favourite.. Nan and Grandad by the sea

I wish they hadn't of sold their film camera, I'd do anything to be able to take shots like these! 

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