Sunday, 2 February 2014

i wish glitter fell from my tears - latest photo shoot

So for one of my mid-book shoots and my Unit 3 A2 Level Photography final piece I decided to make things really difficult for myself, as usual. This shoot required me initially to do a self-portrait, at night time, using glitter, UV paint, a UV torch, lemonade, glass and a self-time cable release. I'm clumsy. Do you see where this is going. Can you predict my problems.
Last weekend I began my shoot during a sudden burst of motivation at 10.30pm and I didn't finish until 1.30am. I was really happy and thought the shoot had gone well, only to find the majority of the shots were out of focus, my carpet had been glitter-fied and UV paint is one hell of a bitch to peel off my cheeks. In the end after a tantrum of frustration at how much time I'd spent on the shoot, I re-did it with my fave model Amy Draper, a prop assistant no other than Mama Hammond, the school's softbox and heaps more glitter and UV paint less than a week before the deadline! I'm fairly happy with the outcomes, it's not my favourite shoot but it'll do. Inspiration came from Elizabeth Gadd's "Amazing Magic" photo (featured at the end).

In case any of you are totally and completely baffled, it's supposed to run along my theme "To Infinity & Beyond" and represents glittery tears falling from my 'emotionally broken' model's eyes into a glass of tears. Decided to do a sort of fantasy, alien-inspired type shoot..

What I hate most is the pink glare coming from the UV torch, which kinda ruins the whole effect really but never mind.. :(

It's..... mystic meg! Hah
I like this one :) 

That's blue curacao in that glass haha, yum
Final Piece

Artist link inspiration: (Her photos are super good..)

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