Monday, 3 February 2014

scumptious scrambling - lunch of today

My friend at work often goes on my blog, and she recommend I do more blog posts on things I eat. So here we are, I decided to feature my lunch today as it looked pretty fancy and tasted extremely good. It comes across as more of a breakfast but nonetheless, it was a damn tasty, yet healthy lunch! I also wanted it to be high protein as it's cardio day at the gym for me tonight :) Enjoy, I hope this makes you hungry xo

I've also started tackling my Blogger's New Years Resolution of HTML and reasearched how to do proper photo format/alignment and text line height for this post. Hurrah

Tea is the epitome of this household. We (Ok.. I) drink a lot of it. So much so that we have a lack of space to store the many tea bags. In the biscuit tin is my Decaf Yorkshire Tea, regular Red Label tea goes in the Tea tin, a box of Twinings Green tea and usually some other herbal tea is usually somewhere around too! Most people just like regular tea, but I definitely recommend green tea, it's something different, it's full of antioxidants, it's tummy soothing, apparently boosst metabolism and after a while it becomes really tasty and easy on the tastebuds.
As a small side to compliment the scrambled eggs, I had Fat Free Total Greek yoghurt which is beyond yummy yet somehow super tasty AND without any of the added sugar that most fat free labels add in. I topped up with some more superfood blueberries, pumpkin seeds (protein crunch) and a drizzle of squeezy honey.

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